Monday, May 21, 2007

Causes of Global Warming

There are many causes of global warming. Now I'm going to write about each one briefly.

Smoke from factories: it's an important cause of global warming because it produces many different types of harmful gases which helps to increase the temperature of the earth rapidly.

CO2 from cars: another cause of global warming specially in the crowded cities and it's polluting our environment.

Volcanoes: a natural cause of global warming which Emerge a lot of harmful gases from heart of earth into outside.

Burning waste: its produce a lot of harmful gases because of burning many different materials such as papers and plastic, which helps to increase earth temperature.

Forest fires: it causes a lot of smoke which contain the CO2 and it's usually happened because of people carelessness.

Deforestation: its increase the amount of CO2 because as we know the trees takes the harmful CO2 and provide as with O2 which it's important for the humans.

Rich countries only consider the economy: they build many factories and burning waste and don’t care for the pollution issue because all what they want is earning money.

Cigarettes smoke: a lot of people all over the world smoke more than one cigarettes every day which cause a lot of harmful gases and pollute the environment.

Rich countries only consider the economy

Nowadays the whole world suffer from the rich countries policies such as United State, because all what they think about is how to earn money with out concerning about the pollution which comes from the factories and the other economical activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation and burning waste. On the other hand, the nuclear weapons Experiments which produce a lot of poison gases in enormous areas on the world. In addition they cut a lot of forests trees for industrial matters and that really cause a lot changes on the climate and the temperature. There are many efforts from the United Nation to make reach countries more careful on this issue because it will effect all the countries all over the in the future.

1 comment:

mshfar said...


I see a very good job has been done

will done my friend