Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Effects of Global Warming

There are many causes of global warming. Now I'm going to write about each one briefly.

Melting ice caps/rising sea levels: when the temperature rise up the ice caps in the North Pole start to melt which make the sea levels rise up rapidly in the whole world.

Heat waves: it means the huge regions covered by hot temperature and humidity because of imbalance in the earth work.

Hurricanes: is a big storm of winds moving in a high speed and destroy every thing in front of it.

Floods: it's an overflowing of water levels usually happen because of sea levels increase in the low areas and causes a lot of damages.

Drought: it means an area with a lack of water, planets and animals and it's a result of high temperature.

More cases of skin cancer: because ozone layer hole gets bigger day after day the ultraviolet rays get much stronger and cause the skin cancer when exposed to it for a long time.

Fewer species of animals and plants: when temperature get increase rapidly that make ice caps melt suddenly and that cause a lot of troubles for some animals live there such as polar bear, seals and penguins. On the other hand these changes on weather make it difficult for the animals and plants to adjust with the new climate.

Acid rain: its rain contain harmful pollutants, which it's a result of air pollution and smokes.

Fewer species of animals and planets

It is a very serious problem threatens the whole world caused by global warming phenomenon. Because there are many important relationships between humans, animals and plants, if one of them effected negatively the others sure will effect negatively too. Nowadays there are many animals at risk in different places in the world such as polar bears, seals and penguins in the North Pole, because the ice caps starting to melting rapidly and that cause a lot of troubles for them. In addition the changing in weather put many plants and animals on dangerous situation because they can't adjust with the new climate in a short time.

1 comment:

mshfar said...

hi Ibrahim

is see that you Described each of them as what it means and most people know that

It would be better it you wrote about what is the connection between it and the global warming

overall, good job